Workshops & Seminars

Ergonomic Education

Education in the form of group workshops is offered by Apex Therapy Services in order to provide a basic understanding of proper body mechanics and injury-prevention at the worksite. Emphasis is placed on maintaining correct body and joint positioning through both equipment/furniture as well as use of proper techniques for a specific job. There are currently two different workshops available: office ergonomics, and ergonomics for the oral health professional.

Dental Clinic workshops

Oral Health Professionals know first-hand how their specific job can place them at great risk of injury – usually in the form of repetitive strain. This workshop is designed to focus on specific habits/techniques used in the clinical setting as well as how both the clinician’s and patient’s postures/positions can impact his or her health over time. Common injuries such as neck, back, and hand/wrist pain are addressed as well as methods and equipment to prevent these injuries.

Assistive Technology

With so much new technology and wireless environmental controls, there are more options than ever for people living with a disability. In this workshop, information related to general phone accessibility, alternative access methods, and smart home technology is discussed. This workshop is intended to assist case managers, therapists, and end-users to expand their knowledge in this area.

What’s New

Falls prevention, home accessibility, energy conservation – According to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, falls are a leading cause of injury among elderly Canadians and are the cause of 85% of hospitalizations of seniors. Apex Therapy Services Occupational Therapists are able to assess all areas of a person’s home to identify potential areas of fall risk and provide energy conservation strategies. There are many interventions and adaptive aids that can be used to allow for greater independence and safety when mobilizing in the home, even for accessing different floors of the home.

Learn about Home accessibility, falls prevention, energy conservation

Meet the new OT at Apex, Alexa Waddell!
Alexa comes to the table with many OT skills from a variety of settings, including the hospital and private practice. Have Alexa assist you with your next Occupational Therapy assessment!

Apex Therapy Services