Practice Standards

For further information regarding certifications, practice standards, personal health information and disclosure, and code of ethics, the following links are provided.

Practice Standards Links

All Occupational Therapists at Apex Therapy Services are registered with all three entities.

What’s New

Falls prevention, home accessibility, energy conservation – According to the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, falls are a leading cause of injury among elderly Canadians and are the cause of 85% of hospitalizations of seniors. Apex Therapy Services Occupational Therapists are able to assess all areas of a person’s home to identify potential areas of fall risk and provide energy conservation strategies. There are many interventions and adaptive aids that can be used to allow for greater independence and safety when mobilizing in the home, even for accessing different floors of the home.

Learn about Home accessibility, falls prevention, energy conservation

Virtual ergonomic consultation with a registered OT – Now more than ever, people are working in new environments – very often in the home since moving out of business offices during the pandemic. Unfortunately, these work spaces are usually set up using whatever home furniture is available and very quickly we find out this set up was not intended for long-term use and may in fact be causing pain. Apex Therapy Services now offers ergonomic and workstation consultations virtually to assist with your specific home-office needs!

Learn about virtual workstation assessments

Apex Therapy Services